Echo Credits

Where healthy actions are rewarded via sustainable process.

Echo Credits- Provides - Physical Activity Transaction (PAT) Data Management / Exchange and Consultancy Services:

Whereby a Physical Activity Transaction (PAT) business process is defined as: Where an individual does some form of physical activity and thus gains points or code for those physical activity actions and thus in turn, an individual can then exchange / transact their points / codes for some form of reward within a business / community context.

And in the case of the business - Echo Credits - its major focus is to provide (PAT), Data Management / Exchange and Consultancy Services, to any individuals, businesses and communities that provide % discounts upon sustainable and environmental goods, services and products.(However it has to be noted, Echo Credits, (PAT); Data Management and Consultancy Services, is also available to provide (PAT), Data Management and Consultancy Services, to any individuals, businesses / communities that provide % discounts upon any goods, services and products, as well).

Consequentially in detail Echo Credits - is about endeavoring to help, via its (PAT), Data Management / Exchange and Consultancy Services, any individuals, businesses and communities, which wish to implement and operate a Physical Activity Transaction (PAT) process. So that they in turn, can offer others / their own business / communities / clients a healthy and sustainable option, of allowing others / their own clients to participate within a PAT process, which provides % discounts upon goods, services and products, etc.

ABN - 90607434835

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